Tuesday, June 7, 2011

pink platform pumps

pink platform pumps. Hidden-Platform Pumps Pink
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  • benbarsh
    Oct 23, 06:27 PM
    see you all at KOP. Ill be the kid wearing the skinny jeans and thick rimmed glasses, im kind of hard to miss (im a guy BTW). Say your from Macrumors, and we'll talk!

    pink platform pumps. Toe Platform Pumps pink
  • Toe Platform Pumps pink

  • hashilli
    Apr 26, 09:01 AM
    Looking for a video surveillance DVR system manufacturer that makes a product which does not require IE to setup or manage. I run OS X and Linux Mint at home. I searched for previous threads but only found 6 year old topics.

    Would like decent day/night video & picture surveillance
    Ability to store data off site
    Possibly remote viewing on the iPhone

    This is for monitoring around the outside of the house. Trying to catch a peeping tom and also have proof if someone breaks in to the house or cars.

    pink platform pumps. Heel Pink Platform Pumps
  • Heel Pink Platform Pumps

  • Rower_CPU
    Jul 22, 02:56 PM
    Firewire target disk mode might do the trick.


    pink platform pumps. suede platform pumps
  • suede platform pumps

  • Hberg
    Mar 12, 07:35 AM
    I definitely like purchasing from the Apple Store, but I didn't know what to expect with that line.

    It sounds like there are a number of happy people in getting what they wanted.



    pink platform pumps. peep-toe platform pumps
  • peep-toe platform pumps

  • Patmian212
    Sep 22, 01:14 PM
    :confused: :confused: :confused:
    I really, really, really love my lamp, the old G4, but started university this month and realized fairly quickly that something portable would come in handy.

    Now the question is, what to get. I'm considering a few options:

    Get additional iBook 14" (But isn't that too small and slow?)
    Get additional PB 15" (But that'll be bloody expensive )
    Sell old faithfull G4, buy PB 15" + 20 " display for home use (anyone happy with that solution???)

    Also I was wondering, If I get a new machine running Tiger, and keep the old running Panther, won't it be annoying to work with two different OS'es?
    (can't use Tiger disc for portable to install Tiger on iMac G4, can I?)

    Any advice appreciated


    Well what will you use it for, what apps will you run? The ibook is not slow, the only time it will be slow is for running some pro apps such as FCP. Also you might want to consider the 12" ibook since the 14 and 12 inch have the same resolution.

    pink platform pumps. Hidden Platform Pump pink
  • Hidden Platform Pump pink

  • Eggtastic
    Apr 25, 06:39 PM
    If you have a computer that you are able to use in the meantime, sell you MBA over craigslist and make due with the other computer until the refresh comes. If you can get a really good price for your current model then obviously you would only be putting very little cash towards the refresh.

    If you DONT have a temp. computer to use, then wait until the refresh and see what it has to offer. You can still sell your MBA over craigslist for a little bit less and put it towards the newer refresh.

    For your needs you will be fine with your current model. Since it was a gift you can use whatever money you have saved now and pull the trigger for a whole lot less.

    People here successfully buy and sell during every refresh or 2 with very little to shell out for price differences. Take care of your mac, do daily research for MBA news, and make the decision.


    pink platform pumps. Glitter Platform Pumps
  • Glitter Platform Pumps

  • Cheffy Dave
    Apr 23, 02:07 PM
    This is what you are looking for. I took a screen shot from the page of the Air 2010's service manual.

    Welcome aboard Newbie, THIS is what makes this forum, members like you!;):D:apple::apple:

    pink platform pumps. Lovely People light pink
  • Lovely People light pink

  • DreaminDirector
    Oct 1, 04:10 AM
    Dude, zarathustra, that photo of the Pismo in the Microsloth promo is so damn funny. And that is totally a Pismo, look at the light bouncing off the back of the lid. Anyone who's owned a Pismo knows those curves and their rubbery touch.

    I like the Pismo, but I like the new tibook better......


    pink platform pumps. Laurent Platform Pump-pink
  • Laurent Platform Pump-pink

  • AHDuke99
    Jun 20, 10:07 PM
    cause they ban innocent victims :D

    poor iccy :(

    pink platform pumps. Pink Snake High Heel Platform
  • Pink Snake High Heel Platform

  • Dagless
    Apr 14, 10:05 AM
    None. There will be no difference between the 2.

    Unless you want 4D graphics of course...


    pink platform pumps. Hidden-Platform Pump Bone
  • Hidden-Platform Pump Bone

  • Mechcozmo
    Nov 10, 09:06 AM
    I have picked up (for free no less) an ultra-slim keyboard that feels really good.

    Mini-Keyboard 5510M US PS/2 is the model number.

    pink platform pumps. Shoes Platform Pumps Pink
  • Shoes Platform Pumps Pink

  • fsshariq
    Apr 9, 09:55 AM
    Use your ipad as a controller for Chopper 2 on your MB lol. Sounds hella annoying and impractical.

    EDIT: Nevermind, just realized thats over Wifi, not Bluetooth. Sorry guys and/or gals.


    pink platform pumps. Platform Pumps Black
  • Platform Pumps Black

  • cb911
    Oct 16, 12:45 AM
    this story even made it to Slashdot. that's when things really hit the fan.

    check the /. article here: http://developers.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=04/09/13/1357202&tid=156&tid=98&tid=8

    there's also lots of comments on VersionTracker and MacUpdate, in the comments section of Echelon, i think.

    pink platform pumps. Lovely People dark pink
  • Lovely People dark pink

  • applemike68
    May 3, 07:46 PM
    1. As previously mentioned, you're mirroring, which is pretty self explanatory, you're making a mirror image of your computer screen, resolution and all. Tell us how you truly want to use your external display: extended desktop, or as a main screen when at home? We'll be able to tell you more.

    2. Because maximizing everything is a very windows-user and useless thing to do, once all the info/text on a page is on screen, any bigger is completely useless and just blocks everything out behind it. Macs are meant to multi-task, and not maximizing helps doing just that. If you truly want to maximize everything for some obscure reason, just drag the bottom right corner and resize the window manually.

    1. When at work or home I would like to use the external monitor as the main display. When using the external, I only want to see the second display not the laptop unless i carrying the laptop around.

    2. Got it, you are right I'm use to using windows and this is my first mac. So far everything is working great. Thanks for the response.


    pink platform pumps. Pink-cheap platform pumps
  • Pink-cheap platform pumps

  • definitive
    Feb 7, 09:53 AM
    This is my main concern: If I run a stream from a cable modem or fios provider to the website, and there are let's say 200 people on, wouldn't that pretty much choke the internet connection that's being used for the camera? I was wondering if there's some way to have the stream go to my web host and then maybe have people use their bandwidth. Kind of like streaming to Justin.tv where they act as the middle man so that your bandwidth isn't used up when more than one person is watching the stream.

    pink platform pumps. Cabine#39; platform pumps
  • Cabine#39; platform pumps

  • bmcgonag
    Feb 14, 08:19 PM
    Tell your friend he's right. Then tell him he should stick with windows. Then tell him to post a blog entry somewhere everytime his anti-virus/anti-malware tells him it found something. Then tell him you'll do the same. The one with the most posts at the end of the year give's the other one $1000.00.

    See if he knows the odds of him winning.



    pink platform pumps. toe platform pumps pink
  • toe platform pumps pink

  • Azzin
    Mar 15, 03:42 AM
    Hi all, please bear with me.... :o

    We have individual iTunes libraries on our PCs and can access them via each other's PCs and iphones and stream to our Apple Express in the Living room and that's all good.

    I'm now looking at getting the rest of our CDs ripped and stuck on a shared hard drive and that's all good too!

    I did rip (using EAC) a shedload a while back and have somehow ended up with a folder full of albums-some in WAV and some in FLAC.

    I have now seperated the albums into "FLAC" and "WAV" folders in a folder called "EAC Rips".

    Here's where my brain explodes...

    We're not audiophiles and I'm happy to keep the existing music (on our PCs, in our iTunes libraries) in whatever format it's currently in (which is a mix of MP3 and Apple Lossless).

    We've only recently got the Airport Express and we love it and it's rekindled my desire to have all our music available and selectable to stream to it.

    As I say, we're not audiophiles, so a 1:1 copy (quality wise) is not a priority.

    Having said that, what I'm thinking of doing is (if possible), convert the albums in the "EAC" folder to Apple Lossless and then stick it in my iTunes library and then carry on ripping the rest of our CDs into a format that you guys suggest.

    The other thing that makes my head spin is tagging!

    I really didn't realise there was so much to it and I always assumed that as long as you had the Artist Name>Album Name>Song Title that all was good (how wrong I was!).

    The reason I say that, is that last night I dabbled with converting...

    I added an album to iTunes last night that I didn't think was adding, (the album in question is an album that was ripped using EAC to WAV), but couldn't then see it where I would expect (alphabetically).

    I then realised that the tagging had gone haywire somewhere along the way, as I found the album right at the bottom of my iTunes library (in iTunes), with pretty much the artist name/album/song title all in the artist name column!

    So that's why it "wasn't there" (alphabetically) in the iTunes listing when I scrolled down looking for it.

    So-getting back to my question...

    pink platform pumps. Suede Platform Pump - Pink
  • Suede Platform Pump - Pink

  • Cabbit
    Apr 1, 01:55 PM
    Well as long as text can be entered i don't mind, its a dying browser i wont put much more thought into it.

    pink platform pumps. Lady Pink Platform Pump
  • Lady Pink Platform Pump

  • chown33
    Apr 18, 05:57 PM
    Hi im getting this error,UIApplication may not respond to '+mainWindow' with my action sheet , but im not really sure why. any help would be greatly appreciated.

    How to solve problems like this:
    1. Open the class reference doc (UIApplication in this case).
    2. Search for the expected method or property (mainWindow in this case).
    3. If found, read the description carefully (some detail may differ from your expectation, such as - instead of +, or a different letter-case than you expected).
    4. If not found, open the class reference doc for the superclass and go to step 2.
    5. If not found in any class or superclass, then the reason for the message is simple: the class does not have the method or property you expected.

    If you reach step #5, you'll have to modify your problem-solving procedure. You think it is method xyzzy, but it really might have method xyz, or zzy.

    In your case, it's not clear what you're trying to do. You might mean the keyWindow property of the UIApplication instance, but if not, you'll have to explain exactly what you're trying to accomplish.

    In general, it's always a good idea to describe exactly what you're trying to accomplish.

    Mar 17, 06:19 PM
    yeah something doesn't sound right here. can you tell us exactly what flags you used when starting folding?

    are you using the console client?Sure, I'm running a shortcut of the SMP version:

    .../FAH6.34-win32-SMP.exe -smp -bigadv

    FahMon apparently pulled itself together, and is now reporting a more reasonable 8955 points for this protein. The deadline is still the same though.

    Here's my console output:

    [01:06:40] + Downloading new core: FahCore_a5.exe
    [01:06:41] + 10240 bytes downloaded
    ...yadda yadda...
    [01:06:49] + 2711739 bytes downloaded
    [01:06:49] Verifying core Core_a5.fah...
    [01:06:49] Signature is VALID
    [01:06:49] Trying to unzip core FahCore_a5.exe
    [01:06:50] Decompressed FahCore_a5.exe (9326080 bytes) successfully
    [01:06:55] + Core successfully engaged
    [01:07:00] + Processing work unit
    [01:07:00] Core required: FahCore_a5.exe
    [01:07:00] Core found.
    [01:07:00] Working on queue slot 01 [March 18 01:07:00 UTC]
    [01:07:00] + Working ...
    [01:07:00] *------------------------------*
    [01:07:00] Folding@Home Gromacs SMP Core
    [01:07:00] Version 2.27 (Mar 12, 2010)
    [01:07:00] Preparing to commence simulation
    [01:07:00] - Looking at optimizations...
    [01:07:00] - Created dyn
    [01:07:00] - Files status OK
    [01:07:06] - Expanded 24864068 -> 30796292 (decompressed 123.8 percent)
    [01:07:06] Called DecompressByteArray: compressed_data_size=24864068 data_size=3
    0796292, decompressed_data_size=30796292 diff=0
    [01:07:06] - Digital signature verified
    [01:07:06] Project: 6901 (Run 21, Clone 10, Gen 6)
    [01:07:07] Assembly optimizations on if available.
    [01:07:07] Entering M.D.
    [01:07:13] Mapping NT from 8 to 8
    [01:07:17] Completed 0 out of 250000 steps (0%)
    [02:22:51] Completed 2500 out of 250000 steps (1%)

    Feb 9, 03:07 PM
    I will hopefully be getting a 2010 mac mini today (as seen in my other thread) and have been looking for ram. Newegg has it for about 107 but on a whim i checked out amazon and found some nice kingston ones, but they are no longer on sale.

    Found these: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003NYISCC/ref=ord_cart_shr?ie=UTF8&m=A1C0E2G2LZFK00 and was wondering how they would work in the mini. It says it works with my kind and it is a 10600 and what not, but I am not sure about all the extra stuff on it.

    May 4, 10:48 AM
    That's great news!

    Did you get the OEM or Retail version? I'm ordering the OEM version, but I don't know if I'll be missing any screws or anything.

    (I don't need the cables to clone my drive - I'm gonna migrate my data files using Time Machine.)


    To intall in your MBP, the bare drive is all you need. There are four mounting nubby screws on the old drive you need to move to the new drive. Use a #6 Torx driver to remove them. Easy.

    Apr 9, 08:52 AM
    It seems you're right! I tried from a friend's computer and it works fine...

    I wonder why some routers block this kind of connection...Do you know what field should I check to see if there's a way to allow this?

    Oct 30, 02:05 PM
    Well, its good to see. Hopefully this will gets Apple lots of profits.

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